
His work flows from a deep psyche that is as much about abstract mathematics as it is about colour and shape. His love of geometry leads him to paint what he considers to be the shapes that work themselves into the continuous lines of movement. What he deems, the shapelessness of shape.

His drawings are mainly one continuous line. Once the pen touches paper it doesn’t come off until what he is trying to capture is there on the page in ink. Sometimes he closes his eyes when he draws and simply trusts to the shapes already within. He prefers watercolours because of the soft impressions they leave.

As a philosopher, he lectures on the work of Immanuel Kant, (so as to further advance our understanding of the human mind), and records his own music. Yap was signed with Virgin records in 1995 and toured the world for ten years as the front man for British rock band “One Minute Silence” who went on to find success. Yap chose his philosophical and artistic pursuits over the music industry and has thrived in these fields ever since.

Yap was diagnosed with Aspergers (High Functioning Autism) eight years ago, which in turn recognised a mind that was downloading complex abstract mathematics of its own accord. ‘Forget the autistic kids who memorize phonebooks,’ he says with an open heart, ‘I’m about the mathematical foundation for the next stage in human evolution.’


Kate McCormack


Russell Kereama